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JCM Women's Retreat


Friday, April 11 to Sunday, April 13, 2025
Spring Canyon Retreat & Conference Center, Buena Vista, CO 81211



Ladies, JCM is excited to announce that registration for our Spring retreat is now open! 


The JCM women’s retreat, “Do You Know Me?: A Pursuit of Holiness,”  is an invitation to step away from the noise of life to seek a deeper intimacy with Christ.


In 1 Peter we read, But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” 


Paul also writes, “Come out from among them, and be separate," says the Lord. "Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters," says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:17). 


The topic of holiness is a central theme of the Bible, and a fundamental aspect of our Christian life, and yet, for many of us, it remains a bit of a mystery — an obscure concept. We want to help change that. 


It’s one thing to learn about holiness, it’s another thing to live it out. At this retreat, we are going to do both. We are going to have times of teaching, to learn, and times of meaningful activities and practice to help you live it out. It’s going to be a very special time together. 


Our prayer is that this will be a time of refreshing and renewal, and that by understanding God’s holiness, you leave with a deeper understanding of His profound love for you!

Carole Urbas

Carole Urbas is a seasoned Christian leader and biblical teacher with 25 years of extensive experience in ministry and non-profit work. Throughout her career, Carole has passionately dedicated herself to strengthening the body of Christ. A gifted author, podcaster, public speaker and event leader, Carole engages, inspires, and challenges people to embrace and live out both simple and complex Biblical principles. She’s developed a wide array of curriculum and content centered around Biblical events and family life. In addition to over 100 published podcasts, her literary works include The Narrow Gate - A Journey to Holiness, Warfare Behind the Veil – Asserting your Kingdom Authority, Legacy: Who You Are in God’s Story, A Study on Biblical Womanhood, Developing an Effective Prayer Life, and more. 

Her work addresses critical aspects of cultural engagement, individual and family identity, and spiritual growth based on Biblical values. By grounding her teachings in God’s word, she provides trustworthy and practical guidance that helps individuals, families and organizations navigate contemporary challenges with faith and resilience. 


Carole and her husband Len have four children. Their oldest son (Lenny) is married (Callie), their oldest daughter (Elaina) recently graduated Baylor University and is living in Colorado, and the last two, twins (Cooper and Reese), are off to college at Westmont, Santa Barbara and The University of Oklahoma. After spending nearly twenty years in Colorado they have recently made the move to Bentonville, Arkansas with their two golden retrievers.

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